oriental beauty tea

Trà Đông Phương Mỹ Nhân

oriental beauty tea

This is Oriental Beauty, or Bai Hao Oolong/Dong Fang Mei Ren Tea, from Moc Chau plateau, Vietnam. A wonderful tea that has charms from the name, the tea leaves, the aroma, and a comforting taste that suits many tea drinkers.

About tea

The essence of the Northwest nature

The essence of the Northwest nature

Grown on the Moc Chau plateau with an altitude of 1250m above sea level, the tea tree fully absorbs the spirit and quintessence of the Northwest mountains.

An interesting tea

An interesting tea

The tea plants are grown without insecticides to encourage a comment pest, Jacobiasca formosana, to feed on the tea leaves, stems, and buds. The insect bites start the oxidation of the leaves and tips and add a sweet note to the tea.
After being hand-picked, the tea leaves are processed by skilled tea artisans, adding to the exquisite flavor of this tea.

Good for health

Good for health

Tea is rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants, which help relaxation, sleep well, and support health protection.

Enjoy the tea

Trà Đông Phương Mỹ Nhân

Enjoy the tea

It has a floral scent combining a sweet and ripened fruity taste with a light hint of astringency.

Usage Directions

To fully enjoy Minh Lam's oolong tea, we suggest the following brewing method:
1/ Hot tea:
- Should perform all basic steps such as waking up tea, heating/cleaning tea tools, and rinsing tea.
- Use about 5g of tea in a 150ml teapot. Steep the tea for 20-30 seconds in hot water (90-95 degrees Celsius).
2/ Coldbrew:
Use about 3g of tea, and steep in 500ml of cool water for about 8 hours in the refrigerator.
However, everyone's taste differs, and you can adjust it to get the best teapot.

Storage Directions

For tea to retain its full flavor and nutrients, you should
1/ Store tea in a dry environment, away from direct sunlight and away from strong odors
2/ Pay attention to the expiry date to enjoy each tea at its best

Thêm vào giỏ

350.000 VND

350.000 VND